Friday, July 26, 2013

إنك إنسان

ليبرالي, اخواني, علماني
دعنا نتفق أنك إنسان
دعنا نتجرد من كل الألقاب
و لنتقدم و نعمل بإحسان
لتتفقوا على الأساسيات
اتفقوا على ما لا اختلاف عليه من تحسين الفقر و الجوع و الجهل و السلوكيات
و بعدما تنتهوا من كل الأساسيات
حينها تصارعوا كما شئتوا و تلقبوا بالألقاب
ولكن فقط تذكر الآن بأنك مجرد إنسان

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Release your negative Power!

Everyone has his own way in getting rid of negative feelings and thoughts. For me these things work, and they may work for you too!  the most important thing: Do not let yourself to negativity :)

1) Exercise: Yes! doing some Exercises for 15 or 30 min while listening to your favourite songs is an excellent way to let your negativity out!
    Your headphones on, shut your eyes, Feel the music runnig through your veins, at first start exercising slowly then faster then faster until you turn into a mad person jumping around your room, smiling to yourself at mirror and ultimate happiness :D !

2) Writing:  writing your negative thoughts down on  a piece of paper reliefs you, you feel like you get rid of your thoughts in form of written words. Keep the piece of paper, cut it into pieces or even burn it ! the important part is you have let out what was bothering you. you can also write your problems and feelings and then write about what can you do to overcome them. This gives you a clear view of your problems and the suggested solutions.
singing out loud along with the songs, and at that moment you find yourself automatically overwhelmed with sweet positive feeling :). Feeling of freedom, independency and

3) Activites:  If you are on a vacation and doing nothing except eating and sleeping... this is totally wrong!  Get a life ! get into a training , if not, then take a course even if online. volunteer or learn a new language/sport/..etc  By doing this , you discover new things, you get  a clear view of what you really love to do and want to do :).

Finally just keep yourself busy with useful things you like, and stay away from Negativity ;)