Time to change
Once upon a time, there was a man called Ben. Ben had been living a regular life.
between college , friends and family his life was defined.
He was good at his studies. he had fun with his buddies but he felt his life was missing something but he ignored that feeling.
New year starts tomorrow but he is having an exam so instead of celebrating he stuck to the studying plan.
he had a look on his facebook and all what he found is his friends writing statuses like "New year, New me" that sounds horrible. some were wondering what are they doing with their lives, some were so optimistic others were pessimistic and many are posting photos celebrating!
He closed his facebook laughing sarcastically on how people exaggerate everything, how they are so irrational and let's say ...ridiculous?
He entered his room , locked it , looked through the window up at the Moon, and he asked himself the same horrible sounding question ..."what am i doing with my life"? Oh no, was that really happening?, he was asking himself the very same question!
He grabbed a paper and a pencil and started writing what changed his life
"Dear Ben, it's me your inner soul talking to you, you must realize something! a new year is beginning and you are acting as if you don't care but guess what i do care but you are too busy studying like a robot that you forgot to listen to yourself i know this new year/new me sounds lame to you well... Although most people who say i wish to do this or that this year, don't really do anything,there's a good chance you can do what you wish for this year you know why? because nothing is achieved without a will and a good plan to achieve it.

you know that wishlist you hide in your desk? go get it and start working to achieve every item on it because if you don't, it will keep haunting you till you are 90 years old.and if you feel it's impossible to do everything on the wishlist in just a year i tell you achieve at least one instead of none!
It's time, it's time not to care about little annoying things, time to work on yourself and know what you really want to do from your heart , time to stop caring about people who don't care back, when you are tired, relax. when you have energy, use it positively, never lie to yourself, just do what you are capable of doing and i know you will do great. it's time to change".
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